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Name: Michael Wilson

Grade 2nd degree black belt kickboxing

MASTAAR Qualified Instructor


I started Kickboxing training in 2004 achieving my 1st blackbelt in 2006 and my second degree in 2010. Before this i trained in Both Shotokan and Wado Ryu Karate. During my Kickboxing training i have trained in Kung Fu, Stick fighting, Knife defence and Tai Chi. 

I opened my first class in 2010 but Instructed for my Masters academy as far back as 2006. 

What i enjoy about martial arts training is that it allows me to exercise doing something i Love, i feel this is important as it help keep focus and commitment. 


At Locksheath Kickboxing we believe that everyone's martial arts journey is different, we respect this and encourage you to find your own path. 

                                                                                                                                               Sifu Michael Wilson.

Sifu Michael Wilson Instructor

Name: Sharon Wilson

Grade 2nd degree black belt kickboxing

Assistant Instructor


Sharon Wilson Assistant Instructor

I began my Martial Arts story watching a boxercise video!

I joined ZDL academy where i began to build a knowledge and understanding of Kickboxing and some experience of other forms. Building in confidence and self-belief i worked through gradings to become a 2nd Degree Black belt under the guidance of my masters. 


 I currently support at Locksheath Kickboxing where my moto is "believe and achieve" the same moto that helped me achieve all my belts. 


 I love the energy of the class as it is fun, motivating, and above all we are a family connected by our devotion to Martial Arts.                                                                                         

                                                                                Sharon Wilson.

Name: Maddie Hawke

Grade 1st degree black belt kickboxing


I train to maintain my skills, flexibility and fitness.  I also, love coming to the class to see friends and as the club has a warm, supportive and family friendly feel.


I joined the club when I was 9 years old and managed to work through the grades, finally getting my Black Belt in Nov 2019 after about 4 1/2 years. 


When I first joined, it was hard to believe that I could pass the higher gradings.  Sifu Michael and Sharon are so supportive and inspirational.  I learned that you can achieve your goals if you work hard, practice and have inner resilience. Believe to Achieve as Sharon would say!


                                                                           Maddie Hawke.

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